Bad Behavior?
I recently received an email from a respected online photography website. The picture in the email and in the accompanying article where it was the lead photo appears below. Before you continue reading I would like you to take a look at this photo and see if you can find anything wrong with it.
What's wrong with this picture is the photographer seems to have intentionally cut a hole in a chain link fence in order to get their shot. Over the years I have witnessed such "bad behavior" on the part of photographers more than once. I have probably engaged in "bad behavior" myself in an effort to get the shot but never to the extend of intentionally destroying or damaging public or private property. Interestingly enough the photo had little to do with the article.
My intent in this blog post is to remind myself and others to think about the actions we engage in when trying to get that special shot. The photo above certainly made me think about what ends I'm willing to go to in order to get a photo. I hope others in the club will think about it also.