Welcome to the Lincoln Hills Photography Club's New Blog
Welcome to the club's new blog. The Board of Directors and I hope this new blog feature will provide you with useful and timely information about photography that will help you become a better photographer and have more fun while doing so. It will cover all topics related to photography. It will also provide the latest club news such as short notice photo opportunities. I have assumed the duties of "Blogmaster."
As some of you may remember I occasionally published a photography related bulletin. I would gather information and put it in a Word document and when I had enough information I would publish a bulletin. The problem with this approach was that some of the information would become stale and the bulletins were long and published infrequently. This blog will take the place of those bulletins, posts will be shorter, will generally cover only one topic, and while they may not be daily blog posts they will be much more frequent.
Any member can create a blog post. Simply write your blog post and send it to me at this EMAIL address. Be sure and include any photos you want to appear in the post and indicate in the blog post where you want the photos to appear. You must include your full name and email address so I can contact you if necessary as well as credit you as the author of the blog post. If you prefer to post as Anonymous just let me know but I will still need your full name and email address.
Since this is a blog you will have the ability to comment and ask questions. I and hopefully other members will do our best to answer as many questions as we can in a timely manner. When posting comments please keep in mind that the primary purpose of the blog is to inform and you should only post comments that are relevant to the topic of the blog post and please keep the tone civil. I don’t think there will be many, if any, posts of a controversial nature but if you disagree with what was said and wish to convey that in a forceful manner please do so in an email to this EMAIL address.
To add a comment simply click inside the comment box and type in your comment. Your name is required in order to post a comment. If you want to include a photo in your comment click on the small icon below the comment box. A file dialog box will open where you can select your photo. Click the Open button (This may vary by operating system) and your photo will be posted.
One final thing regarding comments. Currently comments are limited to 10 primary comments and unlimited replies to comments. This may change in the future if there is a demand for more primary comments. Unfortunately you can not reply directly to someone elses reply but you can reply indirectly simply by posting a reply under the same primary comment and copy and paste the relevant information you are responding to into your reply.
Because of the 10 primary comment limitation please do not use primary comments to post things such as, "Great post!", "This information really helped me. Thanks!", or other words of appreciation. You can best show your appreciation by posting an informative comment, asking questions, or answering others questions.
If you have any topics regarding photography that you would like to see covered in a future blog post or you would like to suggest articles, videos, or websites as topics of future blog posts please send them to me. You can send them to this EMAIL address.
The Board of Directors and I hope you will enjoy the new blog and participate by asking questions, answering questions, and making informative comments.