Photo by Bob Baikauskas
Lincoln Hills
Photography Club
This is the Archive Page for the January, 2024 News Page. Some Links may no longer work as the site has changed.
The Photo Club is comprised of residents of the Sun City Lincoln Hills community in Lincoln, CA.
Below is a list of our monthly meetings and activities
General Meeting - 2nd Wednesday @ 9:00AM
The General Meeting, in Kilaga Presentation Hall usually features a guest speaker on a specific aspect of photography. It also is a forum to discuss current and upcoming events of interest.
Summaries of General Meeting Presentations are archived HERE
YouTube links to General Meeting videos are HERE
Board Meeting, OC Multipurpose Room - Monday before the General Meeting @ 9:00AM
Board Meetings are open to any current Photography Club member. Copies of the approved "Board Meeting Minutes" are posted HERE
Exhibitions offer club members an avenue to show their photographs. Some use these occasions as an opportunity to sell their work. Find information on current and upcoming exhibits below. Overview of our Exhibit Efforts can be found HERE
Field Trips and Great Adventures
To learn more about above planned, recent and past trips and adventures HERE
Facebook Page
This “member only” tool is used to communicate photography ideas, promising sites, area photography activities, and conversation
To join, click link: LHPC Facebook
Photography SIG (was Enhancement) - 1st Wednesday @ 9:00AM
The Photography SIG includes exploration of camera settings, composition tips, post processing tools, smart phone photography, and specialized areas such as bird and Milky Way photography. The presentations are developed to take into consideration the needs of beginner and intermediate photographers, as well as, a refresher for more advanced users. Speakers and suggestions are welcome. Slide shows are posted on the club website for future viewing. For more info go to the SIG's Webpage HERE
February General Meeting
Wednesday, February 14, 2024, 9:00 A.M., Kilaga Springs Presentation Hall
Photo Challenge: "RED!"
We're trying something different at our February 14th general meeting. This meeting announcement is coming to you a month early so you can prepare to participate in the meeting.
During the next three weeks, take photos that illustrates the "Red" theme. You are free to interpret this theme in any way you choose.
Submit up to three photos prior to the February meeting. Submission instructions will be sent out at the beginning of February. At the February 14 meeting, we will display the theme images and discuss them as a group. This is not intended to be a critique, but rather a conversation about the photographer's photo. The photographer may wish to introduce the photo by describing how, when, where, or why the photo was taken.
Note: if you are not able to create a new image for this theme, look through your photo collection and find some images that say, "Red."
The submission deadline will be 6:00PM on Friday, February 9th, 2024, so plan ahead accordingly. Address your submission to
Look for a variety of ways to convey the Red theme...
ATTEND BY ZOOM: Meeting ID: 897 305 6855 Passcode: SCLH
Latest Club Members' Videos
You may watch Truman & Ron's January 10th General Meeting Single Flash Workshop video [HERE]
You may view the 1/10/2024 Photography Club "Give Me 5" Member's Rolling Slideshow [HERE]
You may view a listing of all our Club videos by clicking on "Resources" at the top and "Our Meeting Videos" or by clicking [HERE].
February Photography SIG Meeting
"Coastal Photography"
Wednesday, February 7, 2024, 9:00 A.M., OC Multipurpose Room
This is on coastal photography in general, and specific preparation for our trip to Asilomar in April. Les, Kate, and Truman will review photographic tips for what you will see in the area. This includes photographing seascapes, landscapes, architecture, lighthouses, birds and sea mammals, tide pools, macro, whales, the Monterey Aquarium, and people on the beach. It looks like it will be a fantastic trip, so come early as seats may fill up fast.
-- Kate
California Central Coast
Photography Club Field Trip – Another Great Adventure!
Monterey, Carmel, Pacific Grove, Asilomar, 17 Mile Drive and Big Sur areas
April 23, 24, 25, returning home on April 26
Club member Images from past trips
Book your reservations early to get great rates and no-cost cancellations if your plans change.
Dates: We recommend booking reservations now for April 2024 with check-in starting on Tuesday, April 23, including 24 and 25, with check-out on Friday, April 26. Some people are extending their reservations to spend more time in the area.
Asilomar Hotel and Conference Grounds in the Asilomar State Park and Beach.
For this trip, we are planning to make the Asilomar State Park Conference Center in Pacific Grove our central location. This historical “minimalist” state park facility is designed to encourage visitors to spend time outdoors or in group conferences. It is adjacent to the state beach, providing easy walks for sunrise or sunset times on the beach.
Having a central location will enable group meetups in the evenings at a fire pit or the beach for sunset, meetups for meals including a lunch at the Pebble Beach Golf Course, and classes for tips on great locations and times for photography opportunities. This also enables our participants to join together for day trips or meals in small groups if desired.
Asilomar has great rates for those who book early, starting at ~ $170/night, a bargain for this area, and if you reserve your room via the promotion code for seniors, you can cancel anytime up to 72 hours in advance and get your deposit back. Reservations require paying the first night as a deposit, and the remainder is due upon check-in.
Many conferences are held at this prime location, and rooms will quickly fill up so we encourage you to make a decision early to guarantee availability. We already know of a very large group of photographers from Chicago who are planning a conference at the same time.
We urge you to make your plans and reservations now! It is a classic, “You snooze, you lose” situation.
Note: You may book reservations at any hotel; you are not required to stay at Asilomar.
Wherever you want to stay, we still encourage you to book reservations as soon as possible before availability tightens and rates spike.
Sunset at Carmel Beach.
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Hearst Castle
Trip Packs, Pre-trip Planning Meetings, and “Show & Tell” Gathering post-trip.
For this trip, we will have a complete, detailed Trip Pack available, a pre-trip planning meeting so you can make the best use of your time on the trip, and a separate “Show & Tell” gathering after the trip. Because many members/guests will be going on this trip, these materials and gatherings will be limited to those who make a reservation for lodging.
Planners for this trip include Jim Sakaguchi, Truman Holtzclaw and Les Thomas. Input from others is encouraged. Contact any of us if you have any questions.
After you have booked your hotel reservation, send an email to Les Thomas, and we’ll add your name(s) to the participant list.
How to make hotel reservations. Click [HERE] for a step-by-step guide for making reservations prepared by Jim Sakaguchi.
- Les Thomas
Click on Photos to go to their Respective Gallery Pages on this Website
Photo by Kris Knutson
Photo by Mike Johnson
Photo by Bob Baikauskas
Photo Field Trip Adventures are Back!
We are always looking for new adventures, please send your suggestions for trips that would be an “Adventure” to Les Thomas at:
Renew Your Membership
Renew your Membership: If you want to receive Field Trip announcements, invitations to field trip planning and show & tell parties plus related over-the-top trip planning packets, you need to be a current member.
To renew: print, fill out the form referenced below, sign & mail with $20 to: LHPC, P.O. Box 623, Lincoln, CA 95648.
Click [HERE] to download the latest "Lincoln Hills Photography Club Membership Application" form.
Kilaga Springs Library
LHPC’s now has it’s first solo exhibit in the Kilaga Springs Library. The exhibit will change quarterly. If you have exhibited in group shows, and you are ready for the next step, this is for you. You may also share the time and space with a partner.
The number of photographs depends on the size. This first exhibit has 15, in a variety of sizes. Go to the KS library and check it out. There is no fee and 100% of the sale price goes to you the Photographer. For the 2023 calendar, we have available the 1st, 3rd and 4th quarter. This gives everyone time to plan their exhibit.
On the 2nd quarter we will be honoring Gladden McBean. This is open to any member. To get on the calendar and for further information, please contact Rhonda Campbell at
Current Exhibit - Buonarroti's Restaurant
Photo by Vicki White
Exhibit Announcement to Club members
Buonarroti Restaurant will host a new exhibit beginning February 9, 2024, through and running through June 7, 2024. Now is the time to look through your images and prepare your prints for display. Denise Souza, will coordinate the exhibit. LHPhotography Club members will soon receive an email providing details about the exhibit. As the exhibit date gets closer, check back to this section of our website for exhibit details.
You can download the Exhibit Application and the Photo Display guide below. Reach out to Denise Souza @ if you have questions.
Please consider demonstrating our appreciation to the Manger/Chef at Buonarroti Restaurant. Visit their website below, review their menu and consider reserving a table for a delicious meal surrounded by beautiful photographs.
Buonarroti’s Ristorante -
460 Lincoln Blvd. Lincoln, Ph: 916-645-7951
Current Exhibit - Kilaga Springs Spa
Kilaga Springs Spa Exhibit will be returning in November, 2022.
Themes of the photo images, which must be followed for each Spa room, are: Ponds, Beaches, Lakes, Meadows, Forests, Streams and also Landscapes and Flowers.
Photo by Jim Moon
Simple Pleasures Restaurant invited LHPC photographers to display their City Scape themed photographs (the current LHPC photo Challenge) beginning October 2, 2023 through February 6, 2024.
Photographers displaying their images include Linda Morley, Colin Macintyre, Phil Huntingdale, Stephanie Huntingdale, Simon Vu, Walter Olsen, Jim Sakaguchi, Ron Nabity, and Klara Kleman.
As of 2023 year's end, two photographs of the current exhibition sold.
Current Exhibit - Simple Pleasures
Photo by Klara Kleman
The Orchard Creek Rotunda Exhibit ran from August through September 2022. This is a special exhibit. LHPC photographers participating in this exhibit include Bob Baikauskas, Rhonda Campbell, Bob Dale, Pete Henshaw, Mike Johnson, Klara Kleman, Linda Morley, Joy Paris, Steve Stewart, and Larry White.
Rhonda Campbell, Orchard Creek (OC) Club Exhibit Coordinator, described the OC exhibit as a successful event for photographers. The exhibit was the first OC exhibit since COVID and the best-selling exhibit year to date. According to Rhonda, when photographers sold a photograph for the event, they replaced it with another. Often they sold their replacement. In all, participating photographers sold a total of fifteen photos throughout the OC exhibit.
Summary of Recent Exhibit at Orchard Creek Rotunda
Photo by Joy Paris
SCLH Photography Club Facebook Page
This is a place for SCLH Photography Members to have a conversation about photography, cameras, and places to shoot photography in the area. You can ask a specific "how to" or "where can I find..." or "how can I improve this shot?" or "thinking of going to.....does anyone want to come too?" You can post great photography-related websites that others might like. Use your creativity. The SCLH Photography Club Facebook page is accessible to all residents of Sun City Lincoln Hills.
There are a few rules.
No politics, none, nada.
The only things you can sell on this page are photography equipment that is usually sold within the club like reselling cameras, printers, etc. Nothing else. Nothing.
Constructive criticism only when critiquing. (Don't tell us that it was a stupid, boring shot, We'll figure it out anyway.)
If you are selling your photography, protect your copyright. You may not want that one up on the Internet on Facebook. Post a link to your photography website instead.
To join, use this link: LHPC Facebook