Photo by Bob Baikauskas
Lincoln Hills
Photography Club
This is the Archive Page for the September, 2022, News Page. Some Links may no longer work as the site has changed.
The Photo Club is comprised of residents of the Sun City Lincoln Hills community in Lincoln, CA.
Below is a list of our monthly meetings and activities
General Meeting - 2nd Wednesday @ 9:00AM
The General Meeting, in Kilaga Presentation Hall usually features a guest speaker on a specific aspect of photography. It also is a forum to discuss current and upcoming events of interest.
Summaries of General Meeting Presentations are archived HERE
YouTube links to General Meeting videos are HERE
Board Meeting, OC Multipurpose Room - One day before the General Meeting
Board Meetings are open to any current Photography Club member. Copies of the approved "Board Meeting Minutes" are posted HERE
Exhibitions offer club members an avenue to show their photographs. Some use these occasions as an opportunity to sell their work. Find information on current and upcoming exhibits below. Overview of our Exhibit Efforts can be found HERE
Field Trips
Find information on recent field trips HERE
Facebook Page
This “member only” tool is used to communicate photography ideas, promising sites, area photography activities, and conversation
To join, click link: LHPC Facebook
Photography SIG (was Enhancement) - 1st Wednesday @ 9:00AM
The Photography SIG includes exploration of camera settings, composition tips, post processing tools, smart phone photography, and specialized areas such as bird and Milky Way photography. The presentations are developed to take into consideration the needs of beginner and intermediate photographers, as well as, a refresher for more advanced users. Speakers and suggestions are welcome. Slide shows are posted on the club website for future viewing. For more info go to the SIG's Webpage HERE
General Meeting, Wednesday, October 12, 2022, at 9 AM in Kilaga Presentation Hall
Don’t Miss the Oct General Meeting!
Our Oct presenter is Dennis Morgan. Dennis will provide a brief summary of his background and diving history as well as cover the basics of scuba diving and how easy it is for “seniors” to enjoy the sport. He will also cover the range of underwater camera gear. The final part of this intro will review a few of the best diving destinations he has experienced.
Next, he will talk about the types of underwater photography (with examples) such as macro, wide-angle, video, marine life and behavior patterns, underwater landscapes, wreck diving, muck diving, and cave diving.
He will discuss best practices for getting good shots and will review optimal settings for underwater photography and shooting styles. This discussion will include many examples from his image library with explanations of the marine life being viewed. It will also touch on post-processing techniques employed and tools used.
Time permitting, the presentation will end with one or more slideshows of underwater images taken at a specific locations such as Palau, Philippines and Belize.
Pictured to the right, from top to bottom are a Scorpionfish, Randall’s Shrimpgoby, Broadclub Cuttlefish, and Caribbean Reef Shark.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 889 1666 4909
Passcode: LHPC1012
Truman Holtzclaw and Ron Nabity took us from Drips & Bubbles to Waves, Waterfalls and Rainbows for our September presentation!
NOTE: The October Photography SIG is cancelled
Join Us On Dec 12 For Our Annual Celebration!
Our annual Holiday Breakfast will be on Mon Dec 12 in the Orchard Creek front ballroom. The cost per person will only be $12.00; the Board has agreed to pay the balance. The breakfast will feature good food and great social time! Stay tuned for more details.
The Challenge program was previously a component of the Exhibit Program. Now a committee has been dedicated to manage Challenges independently. The purpose of the Challenge Program is to encourage members to be more active, take images and have fun! Challenges are topical, such as fall colors, bridges, California missions, etc. Each challenge will have a specific time frame, ranging from a month to a year, based on its complexity and proximity.
The first Challenge will be ‘Fall Colors’. This Challenge will run from Oct 1 -Dec 1. BE CREATIVE! Fall Colors encapsulates not only the obvious changing of the colors on trees and plants, but also all things fall such as Halloween photo topics, the chilling of the weather, the arrival of winter bird species, etc.
The Challenge begins December 1st. 2022 and ends June 30th 2023. Images taken prior to December 1st. 2022 will not be considered. The Challenge is to photograph 7 individual cities, one city per month, and submit 3 photos before the end of the month. (You May participate by doing one or more cities if you cannot do all 7).
Your only limitation to Challenges is your imagination! Detailed information on all Challenges is available HERE.
Challenge Program committee members include Les Thomas, Bob Dale, De Cahill, Heather Brown, Larry White, Rick Pappas, Robin Immen, Vicki White, Ron Nabity, Truman Holtzclaw, Diane Margetts.
Kicking Off With Our First Event On Nov 19!
Show and Tell has been an all-time Club favorite. Previously, Show and Tell would take over the Club’s General Meeting twice a year. The enhanced Show and Tell Program will now be a stand-alone extravaganza! A committee has been formed to manage our new Show and Tell Program. Show and Tell topics are at the discretion of the presenter and, in addition to photos, can include shows with multiple images put to music, reviews of new equipment, post processing software, etc. You are encouraged to consider your Challenge photos for Show and Tell.
Our first ‘Show and Tell Extravaganza’ will be on Saturday, Nov 19 at Kilaga Presentation Hall. The presentations will be from 10:00 – noon. A social with food and beverages will follow in ‘the Kitchen’ across the hall. Details of the presentations and accompanying social are still being finessed with our newly formed Social Committee. Keep watching our website for more details!
Show and Tell committee members include Les Thomas, Brad Senn, Jeff Hanner, Truman Holtzclaw, Gary Sloan and Diane Margetts
Click on Photo to go to his Gallery Page on this Website
Photos by Kris Knutson
Photo Field Trip Adventures are Back!
Pack your camera bags! We are headed to Lake Tahoe and the Eastern Sierras to photograph fall colors. Field Trip team members have been busy researching, updating previous trip documents, organizing, and planning our first photo field 2022 Field Trip.
At the Wednesday, September 14, 2022, General Meeting, Les Thomas announced that the combined Lake Tahoe/Eastern Sierra Fall Color trip is scheduled for October 13,14,15,16 & 17, 2022.
To learn more about the field trip and to download critical travel planning documents, click the Field Trips button below:
Field Trips being planned for our new free-to-travel status include:
-Wildflowers, waterfalls, sunrises/sunsets, landscapes, birds, and animals in Lake Tahoe and High Sierra areas
- Milky Way – Galaxy – Night Sky trips to “Dark Sky” areas
- Rose Gardens
- Reno Hot Air Balloon Races & Festival
- Winter scenes in Yosemite
- Museums – Railroad, Old Sacramento, Auto, Gold Mining and more
We are always looking for new adventures, send your suggestions for trips that would be an “Adventure” to Les Thomas at:
Renew your Membership: If you want to receive Field Trip announcements, invitations to field trip planning and show & tell parties plus related over-the-top trip planning packets, you need to be a current member.
To renew mail $20 and include your name and contact information to:
LHPC, P.O. Box 623, Lincoln, CA 95648.
Current Exhibit - Buonarotti's Restaurant
Our next opportunity to exhibit will start on October 7, 2022 and will continue to February 5. 2023. Get your digital files and Application form to Denise Souza,, by September 19, 2022.
Photo by Vicki White
Current Exhibit - Kilaga Springs Spa
Kilaga Springs Spa Exhibit will be returning in November, 2022
Themes of the photo images, which must be followed for each Spa room, are: Ponds, Beaches, Lakes, Meadows, Forests, Streams and also Landscapes and Flowers.
Photo by Jim Moon
The Summer Exhibit started on June 6, 2022 and will run until October 3, 2022, and will resume on February 6, 2023.
The following photographers are now exhibiting at Simple Pleasures: Allen Adler, Bob Baikauskas, Jerry Hall, Pete Henshaw, David Hughes, Truman Holtzclaw, Klara Kleman, Ron Nabity, Tony Fabian, Phillip and Stephanie Huntingdale, Ron Nabity, Stephen Stewart and Larry White.
Stop by Simple Pleasures and look at the great art that is now on exhibit and grab a sandwich or a great dessert.
Current Exhibit - Simple Pleasures
Photo by Klara Kleman
The Orchard Creek Rotunda Exhibit ran from August through September 2022. This is a special exhibit. LHPC photographers participating in this exhibit include Bob Baikauskas, Rhonda Campbell, Bob Dale, Pete Henshaw, Mike Johnson, Klara Kleman, Linda Morley, Joy Paris, Steve Stewart, and Larry White.
Rhonda Campbell, Orchard Creek (OC) Club Exhibit Coordinator, described the OC exhibit as a successful event for photographers. The exhibit was the first OC exhibit since COVID and the best-selling exhibit year to date. According to Rhonda, when photographers sold a photograph for the event, they replaced it with another. Often they sold their replacement. In all, participating photographers sold a total of fifteen photos throughout the OC exhibit.
Summary of Recent Exhibit at Orchard Creek Rotunda
Photo by Joy Paris
SCLH Photography Club Facebook Page
This is a place for SCLH Photography Members to have a conversation about photography, cameras, and places to shoot photography in the area. You can ask a specific "how to" or "where can I find..." or "how can I improve this shot?" or "thinking of going to.....does anyone want to come too?" You can post great photography-related websites that others might like. Use your creativity. The SCLH Photography Club Facebook page is accessible to all residents of Sun City Lincoln Hills.
There are a few rules.
No politics, none, nada.
The only things you can sell on this page are photography equipment that is usually sold within the club like reselling cameras, printers, etc. Nothing else. Nothing.
Constructive criticism only when critiquing. (Don't tell us that it was a stupid, boring shot, We'll figure it out anyway.)
If you are selling your photography, protect your copyright. You may not want that one up on the Internet on Facebook. Post a link to your photography website instead.
To join, use this link: LHPC Facebook