Photo by Bob Baikauskas
Lincoln Hills
Photography Club
This is an Archive Page for the August 2017 News Page. Some Links may no longer work as the site has changed.
If a link does not work go to the current subject pages for links to archived content pertaining to stories contained on this page.
The Photo Club is comprised of residents of the Sun City Lincoln Hills community in Lincoln, CA.
Presented below is a list of our monthly meetings and activities... for August 2017
August 09, 2017
General Meeting - 2nd Wednesday @ 8:30am
The General Meeting usually features a guest speaker on a specific aspect of photography. It also is a forum for the President or Board Members to discuss current and upcoming events of interest to the membership.
Field Trips
Spring is an active time for field trips. Find information on recent and upcoming trips HERE
Exhibitions offer club members an avenue to show their photographs. Some use these occasions as an opportunities to sell their work. Find information on current and upcoming exhibits and how to participate HERE
Lifestyle Photography Group
The Lifestyle Group provides photo journalistic services to Sun City Clubs and Community Association sponsored events and activities. They meet the first Thursday of the month. To learn more visit the Group's page HERE
August 08, 2017
Board Meeting
Board Meetings occur on the second Tuesday at 9:00 am in the Multipurpose Room at Orchard Creek.. It is open to any current Photography Club member. Copies of the approved "Board Meeting Minutes" are posted on this site on the MEMBERS page HERE
August 23, 2017
Round Table SIG - 4th Wednesday @ 8:30am
The Round Table SIG provides an opportunity for any member to discuss any topic related to photography. It is the perfect forum for asking all of those, "How do I" questions. For more info about the Round Table SIG click HERE
August 23, 2017
Print SIG - 4th Wednesday @ 10:30am
The Print SIG meets in the Orchard Creek Multi-purpose room immediately following the Round Table SIG. The Print SIG provides an opportunity for members to present and discuss their prints and receive feedback from fellow Club members. To learn more about the Print SIG visit our page HERE
September 19, 2017
Video SIG - 3rd Tuesday @ 9:00 am
The Video SIG meets at 9:00 AM in the Multi-Purpose Room of the Orchard Creek Lodge. This SIG is designed to help you polish your video skills with camcorders or the video feature on your camera/smart phone. Find out more HERE
Betty Sederquist, Took us on a Mystical Photographic Tour of the Land of Fire and Ice
July 12th General Meeting
Image by Betty Sederquist
Report by Diane Margetts
The July meeting featured a presentation by Betty Sederquist. Betty has had her work featured in countless publications including National Geographic books and Sunset Magazine. Her portfolio features images from such geographical locations such as the African Continent, Alaska, Galapagos Islands, France, Ecuador, the Amazon, Tanzania and more.
At our membership meeting, she held us spellbound with her presentation of Iceland: Land of Fire and Ice. Betty introduced us to this land of breathtaking contrasts; where fire and ice co-exist and the long, dark winters give way to summer’s midnight sun. Iceland is characterized by sand and lava fields, mountains and glaciers and countless numbers of waterfalls—typical of a geologically young and active mountain landscape. Her photographs were so stunningly beautiful you could almost feel the cold of the icebergs and hear the roar of the glacial rivers. By the presentation’s end, we were sure that the pot of gold at the ‘end of endless rainbows’ is Iceland.
Betty Sederquist hosts photographic workshops in near and distant lands. One of our members, Larry Brenden, had the great fortune to attend Betty’s most recent workshop in Iceland and experienced, first-hand, the majesty of this land. When asked to describe his trip to Iceland, Larry replied, “Iceland is a landscape photographer's paradise. It has dramatic mountains, rivers, waterfalls, glaciers, icebergs, black sand beaches, a chance to see the northern lights, and ever changing weather to provide wonderful dramatic lighting. All this is accessible by vehicle which makes for an enjoyably productive trip.” Larry presented several of his amazing photographs during the meeting and stayed after the meeting to answer questions and share his experiences with club members.
Upcoming workshops include Iceland, Coloma, Bhutan and Ireland.
August 9th General Meeting Features a Look at the World Through Eric Emerson's Lens.
Eric Emerson had an illustrious career as an Air Force Pilot followed by a second career in Information Technology. When he retired in 2009, he pursued three passions: photography, hiking, and travel. His travels have taken him to New Zealand, Africa, China, Iceland, Canada, and he traveled extensively throughout the western US, Hawaii, and once to New England for fall color photography.
Although primarily a landscape photographer, he experienced the thrill of big game wildlife photography and would go back for more if the opportunity arises.
Club members had the privilege of attending Eric’s presentation that covered his travels from February 2009 through May 2015. His presentation at our August meeting, ‘Radiant Landscapes,’ will focus on 200 of his ‘favorite’ images taken during these trips. These favorites include:
2015 Grand Canyon Workshop, Arizona Slot Canyons Workshop, Eastern Sierra Fall Color, Utah Moab Scenery and Fall Color
2016 Death Valle, Argentinia Puna de Atacama Workshop[, Argentinia and Chile Patagonian Workshop (Fall Colors), Yellowstone and Grand Tetons in Fall, Oregon Coast, New Zealand Scenery
2017 Monument Valley Workshop, Palouse, Yellowstone, and Grant Tetons in Spring
Eric’s presentation is sure to be a mesmerizing experience and with all the field trips the club has planned, Eric may give you some fresh perspectives on landscape photography--don’t miss it!
Tell us if you'd like to do it again next year, or if you'd like something different.
WHOO HOO! We Just Might Do It Again Next Year!!
Hungry Crowd in line to be served
Thank you to Truman Holtzclaw for photographing our event.
To view a gallery of 70 party photos click button below.
Worth the wait... food was delicious!
The Photography Club held its first ever BBQ and social in July! Members have been clamoring for more events--in particular, events that build in social time. The BBQ was at the Sports Pavilion and it was a sell-out. We enjoyed a mouth-watering meal of chicken and beef, salad, roasted garlic red potatoes, grilled veggies and garlic bread catered by Bill's Chuckwagon. To keep the BBQ affordable for everyone, the Board picked up about half the cost.
An event of this size is only successful if you have the support of volunteers. From table set-up and décor to donations of ice chests, ice and drinks, we enjoyed complete volunteer coverage. The Board extends its thanks to Debra Raach who was the event organizer, and the volunteers that gave their time and support before, after and during the event: Fred Raach, Diane Margetts, Brad Senn, Marian Reuter, Patricia Lane, Gary Sloan, Dale Petersen, Carole Petersen, Marilyn Thomas, Patrick Jewell, Susan Jewell, Jeff Andersen, Charlie Schuman and all the other folks that pitched in the day of the event.
Members Enjoy a Fun, Festive and Scrumptious Barbecue
Get your photos ready for the September General Meeting Show & Tell
Meeting is slated for Wednesday September 13th in Kilaga Springs Presentation Hall.
Always a favorite, the September meeting will showcase a members' 'Show and Tell.' Do you have photographs that hold a special meaning for you? --Maybe you have a challenging shot, a successful use of a new-to-you technique, a photo that turned out really well or you have images that inspire you for any other compelling reason, we want you to share them at the General Meeting.
Here are the specs for your presentation:
Format: JPEG
Resolution: 100 ppi
Widest Dimension: 19.2 inches (or 1902 pixels)
Tallest Dimension: 10.8 inches (or 1080 pixels)
Do not feel you need to change the ratio of your height to width. Just make sure your dimensions are equal to or less than the maximums.
Image by Zane Webb - taken at the SCLH Open Mic Night and one of the many shared by Club Members at a previous Show and Tell meeting.
Galaxy & Wildflower Photo Opportunities Highlight Tahoe Field Trip
Members have been hitting the field trip circuit pretty hard this summer. Due to the timing of the latest field trip, Kate McCarthy wrote up a brief but wonderfully alluring trip report to captivate us, and she promises more in-depth details and many more photos next month.
Wildflowers photo by Les Thomas - Sierra wildflowers were in full, glorious bloom for the lucky photographers that ventured to Tahoe on the June field trip.
Lake Tahoe: Wildflowers, Waterfalls, and Waldo
By Kathleen McCarthy
The SCLH Photography Club conducted its “2017 Wildflowers, Waterfalls, Sunrises, Sunsets, and Galaxy Field Trip to Lake Tahoe on July 23-26. After months of pre-trip planning including scouting the best locations for wild flowers and Milky Way shots, training members in the use of Theodolite and PhotoPills apps, and producing a fantastic packet of maps and restaurant tips. On July 23rd we departed for our various lodgings and began the adventure. Since we are an independent group with a variety of interests, the trip had a “where’s Waldo” quality to it. Leading our bunch is like “herding cats”. I have to admit I was probably the worst “Waldo” spending most of my time in the Carson Pass area.
However, when we did touch base at dinner at or a site, the camaraderie spilled out in conversations about the best sites, best settings on our cameras, and funny stories about efforts to capture the best shots. I can tell one story on myself. I was bound for a galaxy site at Silver Lake, and a bit worried about being alone until I arrived to see another member setting up his tripod. Both of us had come to the same site relieved for the company and making get-away plans in case a bear wandered towards a dumpster in the area. Dedication is the name of the game. We waited for the sunset and watched the stars come out one by one until the Milky Way rose above the horizon. After shooting over an hour, along comes Truman with other members to continue the adventure.
I will be writing a more detailed article of our trip after our photo party when I get a chance to listen to other members show their best photography and share their adventures. Until then, a special thanks to Les, Phil, Truman, Pete, Bob, and others for making this trip possible. The Show and Tell Party is August 13th and I can’t wait to see what members did with this beautiful landscape.
July 24th Loon Lake Galaxy Photo Shoot Does Not Disappoint.
Maxfield Parrish Skies - panorama composite image by Greg Ferguson of Loon Lake. Photo was taken from the Helipad area on the West end of the lake overlooking Ice House Road. Access via the Loon Lake Chalet driveway.
Loon Lake once again proved to be an excellent location to photograph the Milky Way Galaxy this past July.
Intrepid photographer's Greg Ferguson, Charlie Schuman, Dale Petersen, Mike Romo, Marian Rueter and Bob Baikauskas ventured to the lake on July 24 & 25 and were not disappointed with the light show appearing in their camera's display.
The group photographed the Galaxy from the two locations identified in last month's issue of the website. The Galaxy will again be in a prime location on the horizon this August 21st, 22nd & 23rd.
If you plan to go this August you can find detailed maps and information regarding the azimuth, visibility window and times necessary to get the shot. To get to the information which is presented on the Field Trip page of the website click HERE
Four Amigos - (l-r) Bob Baikauskas, Greg Ferguson, Dale Petersen and Charlie Schuman all made the trip to Loon Lake Galaxy photo shoot.
Steve Stewart updates his Gallery with stunning B&W Images!
Click on photos to go to Steve's Gallery Page on this website
Photo by Steve Stewart
Photo by Steve Stewart
It's time to get off your duff and follow the examples set by Steve and create your own photo gallery or refresh your current gallery with new images.
Club Member Individual Galleries have now been expanded to accommodate a total of 32 photographs.
With this expansion members who want to showcase their photos on the website have the option to present as few as four photos up to a maximum of 32 photos. The prior maximum was limited to 20 images.
Those needing guidance resizing their images should refer to the instructions posted on the Members Page HERE
Member Galleries now accommodate a maximum of 32 images, up from 20.
"Colorful Summer" Replaces "Old Things" as Theme of the Summer Simple Pleasures Exhibit on July 24.
Our current exhibit - "Colorful Summer" at Lincoln's Simple Pleasures Restaurant
The exhibit features work by Club Members:
Don Bowden, Rhonda Campbell, Truman Holtzclaw, Stephanie Huntingdale, Debra Raach, Steve Stewart, Larry White and Vicki White.
The exhibit will be on display until October 24, 2017. Simple Pleasures is located in downtown Lincoln at 648 Fifth Street. It's a great spot for breakfast and lunch. Check out the Exhibit and support this local venue.
BUTTERFLIES - Photo by Don Bowden highlights the concept of the theme - "Colorful Summer" - our current exhibit at Simple Pleasures Restaurant from July 24th - October 24th.
Orchard Creek Exhibit
Club member photographs are currently on display in the Rotunda at Orchard Creek. Photographers participating in the Orchard Creek exhibit include:
Bob Baikauskas, John Campbell, Rhonda Campbell, Bob Dale, Carole Haskell, Patrick Jewell, Mike Johnson, Kate McCarthy, Brad Senn, Steve Stewart, Larry White, Vicki White, and Jim Wronkiewicz
For a few examples click HERE
Pots by Jim Wronkiewicz
Sun City Afternoon by Pat Monda
Art League of Lincoln - "Where in the World" Exhibit
The Art League of Lincoln's latest exhibit runs from July 12 through August 12. Bill Szabo, John and Rhonda Campbell, Stephanie and Phil Huntingdale, Don Bowden, and Vicki White have photos in the exhibit. Check out the Exhibits Page for a look at the LHPG entries and more information by clicking HERE
Photoshop Tips was Topic for the August 2nd Photo Enhancement SIG
The August 2nd Photo Enhancement SIG featured a variety of tips and techniques on how to accomplish various tasks using Photoshop. Tips included how to use a split screen to speed up your workflow, clone stamp tool shortcuts, how to make photos "pop," and more.
Most if not all of the various tips and techniques were presented in the form of videos which I've found on the internet and thought would be of interest to members who use Photoshop to enhance their photos. I also planned to even throw in a couple of On1 Photo RAW videos... but the discussion was so lively that we ran out of time.
If you are a Photoshop user or are curious about what Photoshop has to offer, the meeting was an excellent presentation of the power of Photoshop. I will be posting a list of the the Video tutorials to the website later this month, so look for an announcement in you email box.
Enhancement SIG meets 1st Wednesday in Orchard Creek Lodge Multi-purpose Room at 8:30 AM
John Campbell, Larry Brenden & Dale Petersen present Prints at June SIG meeting.
John Campbell (l) - describes his technique for printing 3D images, while Club members look on. Pictured (l-r) Dennis Berry, Dale Petersen, Rhonda Campbell, Debra Raach, Truman Holtzclaw, and Brad Senn.
Making a Point - Dale Petersen (far right) discusses the process of converting large 4"x5" negatives into digital files for printing. Pictured (l-r) are Brad Senn, Truman Holtzclaw, Larry Brenden, Pete Henshaw, Allen Adler, Debra Raach and Dale Petersen.
NOTE: There was no Print SIG this July as folks were on Field Trips or otherwise Out-of-Town.
The Print SIG meets the 4th Wednesday of the Month at 10:30 AM in the Orchard Creek Multi-purpose Room.
To learn more about the SIG and to view more photos from the June SIG as well as prior meeting coverage click HERE
Video SIG will NOT be Held in August but will Return in September
July 18th Video SIG to explore challenges of making a major video production.
In this Video SIG I would like to share with you the challenges we faced, lessons learned, how we planned and shot the production, edited the raw video, created titles and animated graphics using key frames and recorded and edited voice overs. Even though most all of you will not take on this type of production, you may find various aspects applicable to short videos. I look forward to seeing you in July... Jeff Hanner
For more information, you can visit the Video SIG page by clicking HERE
The Video SIG meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Orchard Creek Lodge Multi-purpose Room at 9:00AM
Pace Race, Softball and Lincoln Lion's Club Special Kids
are Focus of Lifestyles Group Photographers in May.
We've posted three photo galleries to showcase the events.
May was a busy month for the Lifestyles Group photographers. The group's team included: Allen Adler, Jeff Andersen, Jim Cormier, Patrick Jewell, Klara Kleman, Brad Senn, Charlie Schuman and Larry White. Peter Beckett and Kate McCarthy were videographers.
The first event was the Pace Race held May 6th within the community. Several hundred participated in the event to "promote the ageless commitment to exercise."
Softball held their 2017 Season Opening Celebration on May 13th, and we had three photographers there to cover the event.
That same day we covered the Lincoln Lion's Club Kid's Day event. While the event was held off-campus, we felt so strong about this cause that we volunteered to covered the event on our own time.Who knows what the month of June will have in store for us.
We can always use new photographers interested in joining the Lifestyles group. We have posted extensive photo galleries of the three events on the Lifestyles Page. To view an event-specific gallery click on the Photo.
To view Pace Race Gallery click on the above photo.
To view Kid's Day Gallery click on the above photo.
To view Softball Gallery click on the above photo.
You can get to the Lifestyles Page and check out the photo galleries of the above events and learn about upcoming photo shoots by clicking HERE
Goldfield Nevada and the Car Forest
Bus with Graffiti at the International Car Forest.
Photo by Bill Kress before our Death Valley trip
We drove to Death Valley through Nevada and found lots of interesting photographic opportunities.
Just south of Goldfield, on the east side of Highway 95 is an unusual area of partially buried cars. Our hotel in Tonopah was one-half hour drive from Goldfield and we drove to the Car Forest late in the afternoon. All vehicles have some graffiti, and some are quite artistically painted. It was a rather weird place.
The town of Goldfield is almost a ghost town, we saw nobody in the couple of hours we were there. Many houses, trailers and buildings were abandoned. Like the Car Forest, it also was a weird place.
For more about Goldfield,
click HERE
Bill Kress
Know of a great location you would like to share? We look forward to your contributions. To share a location with others, click the link at the top of the Locations page. To go to our Locations page click HERE
The BLOG is Here!!! Check it Out.
Senior Lifetime National Parks Pass Price Increase
In case you were unaware the National Parks Service sells a Senior National Parks pass. Any citizen or permanent resident age 62 and older can purchase a Senior National Parks pass for $10. The pass is valid for the life of the purchaser and never has to be renewed. On August 28th the cost of this pass is going up to $80. For more information go to the Blog.
We want to hear from You!
One of the nice things about the Blog is you have the ability to comment on blog posts and respond to someone else's comments. You can even put a photo in your comment. So far no one has commented on any of the posts. We were hoping members would get involved and express there opinions. In fact we encourage you to do so.
If you have any experience with, or opinions about, any of the information presented in the blog posts please share your thoughts with your fellow Club members. Post a comment. I would prefer the Blog be a conversation and not a lecture.
Have a post idea... Let us know.
One final reminder. Any member can make a Blog post. Just write it up and send it to me. You can even remain anonymous however you do have to tell me who you are but I won't use your name as the author.
To navigate to the blog look for the BLOG link at the end of the main menu, or click HERE
We hope you will enjoy this feature and participate by commenting on blog posts, responding to the comments of others, and asking questions.
Gary Stephens is our Blogger!!
If you would like to reach Gary directly you can email him at: