Photo by Bob Baikauskas
Lincoln Hills
Photography Club

January General Meeting: A Roaring Start to the New Year
See the World Through the Lens of an African Safari Guide
Paul Renner, an Africa Photo Safari Tour Guide, was our presenter in January.
Paul was and raised in Tanzania. He spent his childhood exploring the tremendous natural beauty of Africa. Living among the native African tribes, he learned the Swahili language as well as the art of tracking and observing animals in there natural habitats. With such a unique background, leading African Safaris came naturally. He is, additionally, an accomplished photographer with a gallery of stunning wildlife images. This is definitely a presentation you won’t want to miss!
General Meeting, Jan. 9th, 8:30 AM
Kilaga Springs Presentation Hall
During the presentation, Jeff Hanner recorded a video and you can find it in our video archive by clicking HERE